Friday, May 15, 2009


I spent my 30 minutes walking around one of my favorite places in New York, Cedarmere. Cedarmere is a park that stands on the grounds of former poet, writer and abolitionist William Cullen Bryant. It is located on the North Shore of Long Island and is some of the only part of the gold coast that is still standing today. While I was living in Roslyn I spent countless nights at Cedarmere enjoying the breathtaking view and tranquil settings. During this walk about I really came to understand why I was drawn to the environment. Considering that I was born in Manhattan and spend my childhood in queens. This park truly contrasted most urban settings I was use to being in.
I started the walk about on the south parking lot of the park. Besides the crunching of my feet on the pebble parking lot, the cars that slowly rolled down Bryant Avenue were making up my sonic adventure. I made the first left into the park and crossed over the cobble stone bridge. I spent a couple of minutes standing on the bridge. I could faintly still hear cars passing, but most of the sound here was tied into the wild life around me. Since the bridge has large beautiful trees hanging over it and it is directly over the pond. Birds chirping, krickets kricting, and frogs ribbeting made up most of the sound in this area. As I precided to cross over to the north side of the pond the Long Island Sound took over the soundtrack to my walk. While the sound is very calm, the sound of water rushing was very prevelent in this area. I took the time to cross over the little wooden fence and realized that there is a small irgation system that allows the pond to drain into the Long Island Sound. In the woodsy brush of this park my ears were honed in on the birds and this soothing rushing water. As I completed my lap around the pond I walked closer to the water and stood by the old school house. Here there was almost total piece and quiet. It was here that I came to the realization that besides the breath taking visuals, it was the piece and quiet that really drew me to the place.


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